CHORD Connect

Giving students around the world the opportunity to work together, learn as a team and to connect with each other.

Class Information

Over 1,400 participants have already enjoyed working in international groups since 2020.

Each class is made of 6 or 7 sessions of 2 hours each and there is one class per semester with between 150 and 200 young women and men from every continent who participate in a group project.

Past Semesters’ Topics

Fall 2020 - "They Spoke So Effectively"
Spring 2021 - "ICOC History"
Fall 2021 - "May they be One"
Spring 2022 - "Into All the World"
Fall 2022 - "Sheep, Goats and Social Media”
Spring 2023 - Students had a choice between 3 topics:
1. “Raising Healthy Leaders”
2. “Intimacy with God”
3. “Hot Topics”
Fall 2023 - “Biblical Preaching”
Spring 2024 - "ICOC History"

Spring 2025

Our Spring 2025 course in CHORD Connect will focus on the spiritual concept of “Being.”

Jack Reese, former professor at Harding Theological School, in his book At the Blue Hole writes about how important it is for us to understand our identity. He suggests we need to ask and answer three questions:

Who are we, really?
What is important to us?
What do we value the most? 

The goal of this class is to explore answers to these important questions. We will investigate both the biblical text and the writings of great spiritual thinkers through the centuries to examine this topic. We seek to understand and embrace the crucial role of “being” in the framework of Christian spiritual formation.

As we explore who we are in Jesus, this leads us to examine our inner lives and discover healthy paths of spiritual maturation. This path of becoming more like Jesus is the journey of spiritual transformation.