Schools in Asia
Bangalore School of Missions - 2012
The Bangalore School of Missions (BSOM) is a three-year intensive program to train young South Asian disciples with a missionary vision and equip them to return to their communities and serve in the ministry.
BSOM began in 2012, making it Chord’s first school of missions outside of the United States. Since its inception, 52 students have completed and graduated BSOM and an additional 15 students are currently being trained.
School Directors: Dinesh and Caroline George
Academic Director: Shaijus Philips
Asia Pacific School of Missions - 2017
The Asia Pacific School of Missions (APSOM) has achieved significant success in several key areas: equipping seasoned leaders with fresh perspectives on ministry, providing ongoing feedback and learning opportunities for current ministers through their roles as trainers and mentors, and most importantly, cultivating the next generation of leaders. As the official source for the hiring of ministers within the Philippine Family of Churches, our two-year program has consistently produced graduates who transition into both full-time and part-time ministry roles. Since their inaugural graduation in 2017, 36 graduates have entered ministry service, with 9 serving in full-time capacities. Looking ahead, APSOM are poised to continue hiring more next generation leaders as we advance into the next decade.