Schools in Europe
European School of Missions - 2013
The European School of Missions (ESOM) is a three-year intensive program to train young Europeans to be ready to lead and serve in their local church or go on church plantings.
ESOM began in Eastern Europe in 2013 and is now focused on the Western European Churches. Our current class consists of students from France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, England, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.
Students are trained in their local churches and gather together on zoom or in person every 3 weeks for the duration of the 3 years. Our school offers 92 hours of teaching per year (274 hours of total teaching across 3 years), and the school supports students with local training.
ESOM participants are selected by their local church and the cost of their tuition is covered by that church. Students apply and enrol for a three-year program on a yearly rolling admissions basis: the first session of the year being in August.
School Directors: Micha Brück
Academic Director: Brad and Ann King
Eurasia School of Missions - 2019
In spite of many challenges for the nation and the region, the work of training young people continues unabated. God has opened doors in the hearts of many disciples to explore God's calling in their lives. There are currently more than 20 trainees in Moscow and St. Petersburg and more waiting in the wings. Young leaders are stepping into church plantings as well as existing congregations. They are a living example of "Preaching the Word in season and out of season.”