Schools in Latin and South America

Latin American School
of Missions - 2018

Mexico City is the largest Spanish speaking city in the world with a metropolitan population of more than 21 million and is home to a vibrant church of nearly 4,000 members. With God’s help in 2018, a School of Missions was launched with 10 students. LATAM SOM has graduated 20 students since its inception who are serving around Latin America. Today the school has 15 students in training.

School Directors: Andoreni Flores
Academic Director: Arturo Elizarraras

Brazil School
of Missions - 2023

Brazil is an immense and diverse nation that is very open to the message of Christ. The church in Sao Paulo is a joyful, faithful, collection of kingdom dreamers who long to see God work powerfully in their midst. With that in mind, and in partnership with SAMS and Chord, the Brazilian School of Missions was born. This is one of our newest programs and is filled with young leaders who are ready to leave their secular ambitions behind and give their energy to the Lord. In another development, the South American Missions Society approved, effective July 1, 2023, to fully support all those ready and willing to train in the School of Missions.

School Directors: To be decided
Academic Director: Bruno Ochman